Continue The Conversation

Celebration Weekend – 4/30 & 5/1


Continue the Conversation Questions
Celebration Weekend – New Members and Baptisms
Scripture Reference: Deuteronomy 8:11-20
Discuss the following questions with your Mini-Church:

1. How did your story begin with Jesus?

2. Share some things that God has done for you that you need to     remember?

3. People say it is easier to remember God in good times than in the bad times — do you agree with that in your experience? Why (or why not) do you think this is the case?

4. Deuteronomy 8:3 talks about how the difficult moments for the people of Israel taught the people that they live by God’s hand and not be bread alone — have you had experiences in the past that have taught you that you depend on God and not natural things alone?

5. If someone asked you why you go to church, what would you say?

6. What are some of your favorite songs that we sing in church — and how do they remind you of what God has done for you in your life?

7. Share some ways that we can help each other remember what God has done for us?

Current Series

Talking With Jesus

Have you ever wondered how to pray or what to pray for? The prayers that the Apostle Paul shared for the churches offer us wonderful examples and guidance, helping us grow in our own prayer lives. Imagine the impact if all of us spent more time Talking with Jesus.

Weekend Resources