Continue The Conversation

Committing to Our God-Given Mission


Continue the Conversation Questions
MOMENTUM | Committing to Our God-Given Mission
Scripture Reference: Exodus 36:1-7
Discuss the following questions with your Small Group:

1.  Read Exodus 36:1-7 – What strikes you about this story?
2.  What does this passage tell you about how God uses ordinary people to build His Kingdom?
3.  What motivates you to give your tithes and offerings?
4.  What prohibits you from giving your tithes and offerings?
5.  How much does our heart and faith play into our giving patterns and why?
6.  What do these passages say about giving:
Matthew 6:21, Leviticus 27:30-34, Proverbs 11:24, Psalm 4:5

Current Series

The Ten Commandments

Most people know about the Ten Commandments, even if they do not necessarily know what they are. Rather than viewing them as relics of another time, the Ten Commandments reflect how we can love God and love others. Our response to them matters because it shows whether or not we trust God and believe what He says is best for us. Join us as we explore how the Ten Commandments lead us to a better way of life.

Weekend Resources