Continue The Conversation

Hey God…..Look At What You Have Made!


Continue the Conversation Questions
Hey God | Scripture Reference: Psalm 8
Discuss the following questions with your Small Group:

  1. Read Psalm 8 together. What stands out or jumps out to you? 
  2. When has been a time when you have been in awe and wonder of God due to looking at his creation or thinking about elements of the created world?
  3. How does knowing that humans have been made a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned with glory and honor (v. 5) affect how you view yourself? Others?
  4. What do you think it means or looks like for humans to have “dominion” over all the works of God’s hand (v. 6-8)? How does this influence your view of the world around you?
  5. Read Psalm 19:1-6 and Romans 1:19-23. What do these passages tell us about how we should learn about God in the created world? What warnings does this passage give us about creation?
  6. Read Hebrews 2:5-11. How does that passage in Hebrews connect this Psalm to Jesus?
  7. How will you pray differently in light of this Psalm?

Current Series

The Ten Commandments

Most people know about the Ten Commandments, even if they do not necessarily know what they are. Rather than viewing them as relics of another time, the Ten Commandments reflect how we can love God and love others. Our response to them matters because it shows whether or not we trust God and believe what He says is best for us. Join us as we explore how the Ten Commandments lead us to a better way of life.

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