Continue The Conversation

Hope for the Lonely


Continue the Conversation Questions
Hope | Scripture Reference:  Luke 2:8-20
Discuss the following questions with your Small Group:

  1. Take a moment to think about the shepherds in the bible – what do you think they were like?
  2. The message of Jesus’ birth comes to the shepherds – Why?
  3. While you read Luke 2:8-20, focus on the shepherds. What observations did you make?
  4. What were the the 3 ‘hopes’ that the shepherds received in Luke 2:8-20? How does that hope translate to your life currently?
  5. In Luke 2:11, Jesus was given 3 titles – what were they? What does each mean? What does it tell you about Jesus’ true identity?
  6. Do you know someone who is lonely or far from the Lord?  Share one takeaway from this weekend’s message that could invite them into a closer relationship with the Lord?

Current Series

Talking With Jesus

Have you ever wondered how to pray or what to pray for? The prayers that the Apostle Paul shared for the churches offer us wonderful examples and guidance, helping us grow in our own prayer lives. Imagine the impact if all of us spent more time Talking with Jesus.

Weekend Resources