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I Believe in God


Series:  I BELIEVE

Subject: I believe in God

Text:  Genesis 1:1-2

SCRIPTURE:  Spend some time thinking about each phrase in a couple of different versions of Genesis 1:1-2. For instance, “In the beginning,” is written, “First this,” in The Message. Now take time to imagine the vastness of the words in these two verses.  

ACCOUNTABILITY:  “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth.” Clearly, everyone does not believe in God as the “creator of heaven and earth.” How is my life different because I view creation as God’s divine design?

TRANSFORMATION: Do you really believe the words ”creator of heaven and earth?”  If so, what duty do we have to care for God’s amazing creation? Do we need to reconsider our responsibility?

Current Series

Growing Up

A fresh new year is typically marked with ads for bettering ourselves with new eating plans and gym memberships. But let’s take some time to think about the spiritual side of our lives. Are we growing – do we see progress from last year?

Join us this January as we “grow up in every way” into living like and being more like Jesus (Eph 4:15). Now is a great time to begin fresh new habits in your spiritual growth that will have long lasting effects.

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