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Let’s Celebrate!


Text:  Acts 2

SCRIPTURE: Luke describes a pretty memorable scene in this chapter.  Verses 1-13 explain what happened and verses 37-47 help us understand the context. Read these passages in The Message and talk about the consequences of that event for both then and now.

The scene described is a reason to celebrate. Verse 46 says, ”…every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God.” We can also celebrate the fact that other nations and other languages are clearly included in God’s plan to save the world. 

ACCOUNTABILITY: Is my worship celebratory? If someone is watching me, is it obvious I am celebrating?

We talk about God the Father and Jesus His Son. But the Holy Spirit isn’t talked about as often. Why do you think that is? 

TRANSFORMATION: Can you name a time when you knew the Holy Spirit was present in your life? Was it when you needed comfort or the right words to say or a peace that was impossible to muster on your own?

What can happen when we pray for the leading and presence of the Holy Spirit in specific situations?

Current Series

Worth The Wait

The holiday season is a time in which we prepare to celebrate Christmas with decorations, shopping for presents and yuletide festivities. And every year, it seems to start earlier and earlier. Do you know the preparation for the first Christmas wasn’t just weeks or months in the making but thousands of years? 

King David’s life points us to the life and ministry of the child born on Christmas, as his life shows us the kind of king that Jesus comes to be and even surpasses. This holiday season join us as we see how the life of David foreshadows God’s greatest gift to mankind, Jesus Christ, who was most certainly worth the wait.

Weekend Resources