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SERIES: Proverbs: A Word to the Wise

TOPIC: Don’t Be Stupid

TEXT:  Proverbe 12:1, 20:24, 13:20

SCRIPTURE: Many of you have taken on the challenge to read a chapter of Proverbs each day. As we wrap up this series, what has caught your attention from your reading? Have you listed things you want to work on? What has been the benefit of this practice?

ACCOUNTABILITY: Proverbs 13:20 says, “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Think of a time when you “walked with the wise,” and a time when you were “the companion of fools.” Can you share some of those situations with your group? What did you learn from both of those seasons? 

TRANSFORMATION: There are so many references to “fools” in Proverbs, a label none of us wants. But there seems to be some tools necessary to avoid becoming one. What part does humility play? How do we recognize the voices of fools around us? Then how do we guard our hearts to avoid joining them?

Current Series

Growing Up

A fresh new year is typically marked with ads for bettering ourselves with new eating plans and gym memberships. But let’s take some time to think about the spiritual side of our lives. Are we growing – do we see progress from last year?

Join us this January as we “grow up in every way” into living like and being more like Jesus (Eph 4:15). Now is a great time to begin fresh new habits in your spiritual growth that will have long lasting effects.

Weekend Resources