Continue the Conversation Questions
Blurred – Finding Clarity in a Sexually Distorted World
Releasing The Past
Scripture Reference: Psalm 51
Discuss the following questions with your Mini-Church:
- Take a moment and read 2 Samuel 11-12, the backstory and inspiration for Psalm 51. What do you notice about this story? When is the first time David sees his sexual sin clearly?
- Do you feel like you are potentially blind to your own sexual sin? What are some ways we can help each other “see ourselves” more clearly?
- Why does David say in v. 17 that the sacrifices of God are “a broken and a contrite heart,” what does that mean to you personally? Share with the group.
- In verse 13, David says that the result of the cleansing he has experienced means he will proclaim God’s story of redemption to others. Who needs to hear your story?