Continue The Conversation

Releasing the Past


Continue the Conversation Questions
Blurred – Finding Clarity in a Sexually Distorted World
Releasing The Past
Scripture Reference: Psalm 51
Discuss the following questions with your Mini-Church:

  1. Take a moment and read 2 Samuel 11-12, the backstory and inspiration for Psalm 51. What do you notice about this story? When is the first time David sees his sexual sin clearly?
  2. Do you feel like you are potentially blind to your own sexual sin? What are some ways we can help each other “see ourselves” more clearly?
  3. Why does David say in v. 17 that the sacrifices of God are “a broken and a contrite heart,” what does that mean to you personally? Share with the group.
  4. In verse 13, David says that the result of the cleansing he has experienced means he will proclaim God’s story of redemption to others. Who needs to hear your story?

Current Series

Worth The Wait

The holiday season is a time in which we prepare to celebrate Christmas with decorations, shopping for presents and yuletide festivities. And every year, it seems to start earlier and earlier. Do you know the preparation for the first Christmas wasn’t just weeks or months in the making but thousands of years? 

King David’s life points us to the life and ministry of the child born on Christmas, as his life shows us the kind of king that Jesus comes to be and even surpasses. This holiday season join us as we see how the life of David foreshadows God’s greatest gift to mankind, Jesus Christ, who was most certainly worth the wait.

Weekend Resources