Continue The Conversation

Serving: Engaging Your Hands


Continue the Conversation Questions
Serving: Head, Hearts & Hands | Scripture Reference: Galatians 6:7-10

Discuss the following questions with your Small Group:

  1. As we conclude this three week sermon series on serving, what key thoughts or ideas have stuck with you or stood out in the sermons and discussions?
  2. What are examples in life in which we see the principle that “you reap what you sow” at work?
  3. Read Galatians 5:16-26. How do these verses help us think through what it means to “sow to the Spirit” and to “sow to the flesh”? 
  4. What are practical ways that we can “sow” (use our time, talents, and treasures) in the Spirit to eternal life? What are ways that we might find ourselves sowing to the flesh and thus corruption? Which one do you feel like is marking your life?
  5. What gets in the way of us serving others and “sowing to the Spirit”? How can we overcome these obstacles?
  6. Verse 10 talks about doing good to all people as we have opportunity. What opportunities to serve others do you have this week?
  7. Why do you think we are called to especially serve the household of faith? How do we balance this statement with the call to “do good to all people”?
  8. As you consider v. 10 and serving those “of the household of faith,” what needs are there among your small group so that you can help take care of each other? Pray for these, and figure out ways to live out these verses in community.

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Weekend Resources