Continue The Conversation

thank you


To all who faithfully serve small groups, thank you. Your leadership and care for your group is so appreciated. May God continue to bless your ministry.

I hope you are excited about the upcoming series, Follow Jesus Together. If you’d like to see the mid-week videos or questions in advance, go to

Please pray with us for God to work in each of our lives during these eight weeks (beginning Jan 15).

We want to be sure the weekly questions are meeting your needs. If you ever have thoughts or comments about the questions, please contact me at

May God be near to you throughout this Christmas season as we thank Him for the amazing gift of His Son, Jesus.

Current Series

Talking With Jesus

Have you ever wondered how to pray or what to pray for? The prayers that the Apostle Paul shared for the churches offer us wonderful examples and guidance, helping us grow in our own prayer lives. Imagine the impact if all of us spent more time Talking with Jesus.

Weekend Resources