What We Believe

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20

Our mission is to reach out to those who feel disconnected from God and/or the Christian community.
We want to embrace everyone, providing you with a warm and welcoming environment where you can be inspired by heartfelt worship and biblical teaching, and where you can be connected with a community of believers who will help you grow in your faith and relationship with God.

Our vision is to see a world transformed by and through the love of God.
We want to be a church body that is actively engaged in restoring and transforming the world around us – one relationship at a time. We want to strive daily to have an impact in the lives of those around us. Our desire is for every person to be reconciled with the God who loves and created them. As each person experiences his or her own transformation, the world will move closer to becoming what God originally intended it to be.

The Kingdom Network

Faith Church is a part of the Kingdom Network and is affiliated with Global Leadership Network and New Thing Network.

As of September 2021 we are part of the Kingdom Network, which is a new organization made up of Faith Church, First Church, Calvary Church, Living Springs Church and Cornerstone Church. We are like-minded churches, not only in our reformed theology but also in terms of mission. All of these churches are committed to expanding and multiplying ministries to expand the kingdom of God. This helps Faith stay on track with our goal to be a reproducing church. 

The Kingdom Network also helps train and examine potential pastors and serves as a place of accountability, helping to ensure our theology and practice is God honoring.

The 4Gs

We live out our mission & vision through the 4Gs.

Faith Church is committed to gathering, growing, giving and going – the 4Gs. These are Faith’s foundational practices and are the pillars of how we mature in our Christian walk. By incorporating the 4Gs into our ordinary days, God can use us in extraordinary ways to accomplish His purpose in our lives, at Faith Church and in the world around us.

Gather: We gather weekly to be reminded of His goodness and to set aside everything else to worship Him. We are also intentional about hosting classes and church-wide events so we can gather as one church family.

Grow: As followers of Jesus, we strive to grow in our relationship with Him daily through prayer and Bible reading. When we are a part of an intentional community, we grow in our faith and in our relationships, to know others and to be known.

Give:  We give as a response to God’s grace in our lives, shown so abundantly in the gift of His son Jesus Christ. When we give – of our time, talent and treasure – we acknowledge that He owns all things, we resist the temptation of greed in our lives, we trust that He will provide for us, and we reflect our God who is so generous to us. Giving is a key practice of a follower of Christ and an act of worship.

Go: We believe in the importance of both local and global missions. Serving our communities and our friends around the world is our way of carrying out the mission of transforming the world one relationship at a time.

Our Foundational Beliefs

At Faith Church we believe:

  • the Bible to be the inspired Word of God and our ultimate and final authority for faith and practice.
  • in one God, revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God, our perfect heavenly Father, loves and cares for all.
  • God created all humans in His image, and that sin has brought separation between God and humans.
  • Jesus Christ, the eternal son of God, became a human and sacrificially died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin.
  • the Holy Spirit was sent by God to live in and transform the lives of believers into the likeness of Christ by turning us from a sinful life and enabling us to live the way God intended.
  • the only way to no longer be separated from God and find salvation is through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, trusting in Him as Lord and Savior. Through faith we become children of God.
  • the Church, Christ’s radiant bride, is a spiritual body made up of all believers, each of whom is a vital part of God’s plan.