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Looking Back/Looking Forward

Topic: Looking Forward

Text: Matthew 5:13-16


  • Read this passage from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in a few different versions (be sure to include The Message). Then discuss as a group the meaning.
  • What are the literal goals of salt and light?
  • Why do you think Jesus used salt and light as metaphors?


  • How does salt and light translate into the disciples’ visibility in the world?
  • Give a modern day example of being salt and light.
  • What is the risk of ignoring this directive?


  • Do you know anyone who lives like this? If so, share how you know this about them.
  • Discuss the quote below. Do you agree?
  • Let’s get personal…what would salt and light look like for you in your world? How much “paying attention” would this require?
  • How might your life be different if you decided to show one act of being salt and light every day?
  • Will your group take the challenge of being salt and light once a day for the next week? Who’s in? Be ready to share next time you meet.

“We should not ask, ‘What is wrong with the world?’ for that diagnosis has already been given. Rather we should ask, ‘What has happened to salt and light?’” John Stott

Current Series

Celebration Weekend

We celebrate small steps and momentous milestones. This weekend we celebrate commitment and life change by covenanting with those being baptized, cheering on adults in this symbolic declaration of faith and stepping up to point the children to Jesus. We commit to walking alongside those professing their faith in Christ and reach out to those transferring into our family, creating space for them to find community and their place of service amongst us. This is the weekend we celebrate the visual reminder of how God is restoring and transforming the world one relationship at a time and lean into the known of the much more we are called to do. Celebrate with us!

Weekend Resources