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Series:  Blueprint: Gather, Grow, Give, Go

Topic: GROW

Text:  Acts 4:23-31


  • To gain some context, go back and read the passage just before today’s passage. Read verses 13-22.
  • In verse 17-18, the religious leaders demanded that the disciples be quiet. How and why did the disciples respond (verses 19-20)?
  • Why did those leaders give up and release them (verses 21-22)?
  • King David (Psalm 2:1-2) is quoted in verses 25 and 26. What’s the connection?


  • The word “boldness” is a theme in this chapter. “When they observed the ‘boldness’ of Peter and John,’” verse 13; “grant that your servants may speak your word with all boldness,’” verse 29. And the disciples’ boldness is inferred in verse 20, “for we are unable to stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.”
  • What do you have no problem speaking “boldly” about? Sports teams, your kids, your affiliations?
  • Why do you think we often stifle our boldness when speaking about Jesus?
  • What difference did gathering with other believers make in this passage? 
  • What difference does gathering with other believers make for you?


  • Is God challenging you to bring your more boldness into your faith walk and talk? What might that look like?
  • When we pause to think about what Jesus has done for us, it seems like we would be like the disciples in verse 20. They were ordered not to speak. But they found themselves, “unable to stop speaking about what they had seen and heard.” How about you?
  • Threats of persecution seemed to strengthen instead of diminish the faith of the disciples. The same is true in countries of persecution today. Why do you think that is?
  • How many times a month do you “gather” with other believers? Is that number sufficiently supporting your spiritual growth? If you don’t see growth from January 2023, what might need to change? What changes may God want for you? 

God’s heart for all of us is that we grow boldly in our faith by prayer and the Word of God, filled with the Holy Spirit.”  Your Faith Church Pastors.

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