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Series:  Blueprint: Gather, Grow, Give, Go

Topic: GIVE

Text:  Acts 4:32-37


  • Talk through this passage, verse by verse. What does each specifically mean?
  • Why do you think (verse 26) Joseph  was named, and his tribe and hometown were identified?
  • And what is the significance of his name change?
  • Read through Acts 5:1-10 and talk about what happened when people were dishonest with God about their giving.
  • What point was Jesus making with this Acts 5 story?


  • What is your initial reaction when you read about how generous the believers were with each other in this passage? What difference does our culture, the way we live, make in our caring for each other?
  • In his weekend message, Pastor Bob talked about levels of relationships with the church – do you consider church members acquaintances, friends or family? Has this answer changed in recent years? Why?
  • What do you DESIRE your answer to be to the above question? What changes might this require from you?


  • Share with your group an example of being the beneficiary of gifts “from the Faith family.”
  • If those who know you well were to give you a nickname based on how you live (i.e. “Son of Encouragement”), what would it be?
  • Give each one in the group a nickname based on the way they share their life.

“You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.” Amy Charmichael (Irish missionary and writer 1867-1951)

Current Series

Standalone Messages

These are messages that are not a part of our usual series format. We hope that these individual messages are an encouragement to you.

Weekend Resources