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Series:  Blueprint: Gather, Grow, Give, Go

Topic: GO

Text:  Acts 6:1-7


  • This passage shows that putting a structure in place and caring for the needs of others made a difference in the early church. This helped guard the unity of the church and allowed them to be focused on their mission and outreach. Everyone had a role. 
  • Last week (Acts 4:32-37) we saw how this early church was a very generous community. Yet a problem developed. What was it?
  • What solution was suggested by the disciples?
  • What was the result (verse 7)?
  • What is interesting about the growth mentioned in verse 7?


  • The text says some priests had a change of heart from Acts 4:1 to Acts 6:7. What happened?
  • Recall a time when you had a change of heart on an important issue?
  • God has given you a unique gift set. How do you feel God has gifted you? Where is He asking you to use those gifts?
  • Faith Church’s mission doesn’t just happen without God using many people serving in many areas.  What is your role at Faith Church? How are you serving?


  • Some people have left Faith Church  to GO serve in other places. Some GO to Faith Kids to serve. Others GO to be greeters, or work with the Family Market or the coffee shop. Where has God called you to GO?
  • If you’re still waiting, why not ask God where He is calling you to GO and serve.
  • Did someone GO to you so you could hear the gospel message? Share that story.
  • Who is God telling you to GO to?
  • How does unity (many working together for the same mission) result in a growing church?
  • If you serve in any way, share with your group how it has changed you. Share if the quote below is true in your life.

“I believe that many professing Christians are cold and uncomfortable because they are doing nothing for their Lord; but if they actively served him, their blood would begin to circulate spiritually, and it would be well with them.” Charles Spurgeon

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Standalone Messages

These are messages that are not a part of our usual series format. We hope that these individual messages are an encouragement to you.

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