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Series: HE GETS US

Topic: He gets our Loneliness

Passage: Mark 3:13-19


  • God understands community. Talk about the “community of the Trinity”-  Genesis 1:26-27; Matthew 28:19 and 2 Corinthians 13:13.
  • This passage talks about Jesus calling his 12 disciples. Interestingly, He didn’t just call one. Read Mark 6:7 to see how Jesus sent them out and equipped them for ministry.
  • Spend time talking about Romans 12:9-13. What does this passage teach us about community?


  • Zacchaeus was a collector. People in this profession were often unliked and as a result they led very lonely lives. How did Jesus connect with Zacchaeus? What other lonely people did Jesus engage in the Gospels?
  • Think of times in Scripture when Jesus could have been lonely?
  • Can you think of a time in your life when you experienced loneliness? Can you share that with your group?
  • Did you recover? How?


  • How  often do you notice people who might be experiencing loneliness? What is your reaction?
  • We were created for community. Do a self-check on your level of engaging in community. Are you satisfied with our community? Is God calling you to a different level of community? What might that look like? What steps is God putting before you?
  • Based on Jesus’ model, what is our individual responsibility to those we see who are lonely? If we really see our church as being God’s community, what role do we have in the lives of those who experience loneliness?

“Covenant community is like air. We don’t miss it til we need it.”  Tim Keller

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These are messages that are not a part of our usual series format. We hope that these individual messages are an encouragement to you.

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