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Series: Complicated Conversations: Truth in Genesis

Topic: Sin and Choice

Text: Genesis 3:1-7


  • How did the serpent subtly change what God had said in Gen. 2:16-17?
  • As the serpent encourages Eve to disobey God, what does he promise her?
  • While Adam and Eve did not physically die after eating the fruit, how did their (and our) lives change?
  • God instructed the couple to rule over the garden (Gen 1:26-28) and be guardians over it (Gen 2:15). How did their actions result in failure to complete these instructions?


  • In verse 1, Satan is described as “cunning,” or “clever” in The Message. The word is Hebrew ʿārûm, translated as “crafty.” He placed doubt in Eve’s mind about what God had said. Can you remember a time when doubt was placed in your mind about something you had thought to be true? 
  • What is real “truth?” We often hear “this is my truth,” and “I need to live into my own truth.” In our world which is intentionally flooded with misinformation, how do we (as followers of Jesus) determine what is really true?


  • Eve made a choice. We make the same choice every day. What are we really choosing between?
  • In these “complicated conversations,” are our decisions to do what we know is right complicated or not?
  • How do you stand strong against this tension? What daily/weekly disciplines help you in this process?
  • Just like in the garden, Satan’s desire is to pull us away from God. The reverse action is to “draw near to God.” James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” 
  • Is it time to reevaluate your “drawing near to God?” What changes can you make this week to help you?
  • Is it time to find a trusted friend to help you answer these questions?

“This book (The Bible) will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this book.”  D.L. Moody

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Celebration Weekend

We celebrate small steps and momentous milestones. This weekend we celebrate commitment and life change by covenanting with those being baptized, cheering on adults in this symbolic declaration of faith and stepping up to point the children to Jesus. We commit to walking alongside those professing their faith in Christ and reach out to those transferring into our family, creating space for them to find community and their place of service amongst us. This is the weekend we celebrate the visual reminder of how God is restoring and transforming the world one relationship at a time and lean into the known of the much more we are called to do. Celebrate with us!

Weekend Resources