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Waiting with Love


Series: Waiting for God Knows What

Text:   Isaiah 61:1  and Luke 4:16-21

Topic: Waiting with Love

Questions for discussion:


These two passages are linked because the first is about what WILL HAPPEN and the second is about what HAPPENS. Luke 4 begins to describe Jesus’ earthly ministry, and He tells those in the synagogue who He is – the Messiah. Talk about all the actions mentioned in Luke 4:20-22, and what your thoughts are on the meaning of those actions.


The book of Isaiah was written at one of the worst times in the history of the people of Israel. The words in 61:1 were meant to bring hope. How do those same words bring hope to you (in a difficult time in our history)? 


Do your day-to-day actions show your hope in Jesus’ return? Are you “waiting with love?” Or does your life reflect the hopelessness you see in others?  What one change can you make today to begin showing your hope in Jesus to those around you?

Current Series

Celebration Weekend

We celebrate small steps and momentous milestones. This weekend we celebrate commitment and life change by covenanting with those being baptized, cheering on adults in this symbolic declaration of faith and stepping up to point the children to Jesus. We commit to walking alongside those professing their faith in Christ and reach out to those transferring into our family, creating space for them to find community and their place of service amongst us. This is the weekend we celebrate the visual reminder of how God is restoring and transforming the world one relationship at a time and lean into the known of the much more we are called to do. Celebrate with us!

Weekend Resources