Continue the Conversation Questions
At the Table | Scripture Reference: Luke 19:1-10
Discuss the following questions with your Small Group:
- Was there anything that stood out to you in the story of Zacchaeus?
- When have you been excluded? What did it feel like?
- Share a time you were included or included others? What was the result?
- In Jesus’s time, tax collectors were despised – what profession in today’s culture would be comparable?
- What might it look like to reach out to the “tax collectors” in our world today? How do you think people would respond?
- Zacchaeus’ life was changed through being invited to the “table” with Jesus. In what ways has your life been changed or is in process of change because of Jesus?
- Who in your sphere (neighborhood, work, school, etc.) could you invite into your life?
Take time to pray for people that the Lord wants you reach.