Continue The Conversation

At the Inclusive Table


Continue the Conversation Questions
At the Table | Scripture Reference: Luke 19:1-10
Discuss the following questions with your Small Group:

  1. Was there anything that stood out to you in the story of Zacchaeus?
  2. When have you been excluded? What did it feel like?
  3. Share a time you were included or included others? What was the result?
  4. In Jesus’s time, tax collectors were despised – what profession in today’s culture would be comparable?
  5. What might it look like to reach out to the “tax collectors” in our world today? How do you think people would respond?
  6. Zacchaeus’ life was changed through being invited to the “table” with Jesus. In what ways has your life been changed or is in process of change because of Jesus?
  7. Who in your sphere (neighborhood, work, school, etc.) could you invite into your life?
    Take time to pray for people that the Lord wants you reach.

Current Series

Growing Up

A fresh new year is typically marked with ads for bettering ourselves with new eating plans and gym memberships. But let’s take some time to think about the spiritual side of our lives. Are we growing – do we see progress from last year?

Join us this January as we “grow up in every way” into living like and being more like Jesus (Eph 4:15). Now is a great time to begin fresh new habits in your spiritual growth that will have long lasting effects.

Weekend Resources