Continue The Conversation

Be in Harmony with One Another


Series: Back to Normal Better

Topic:  “Be in Harmony with One Another”

Scripture: Romans 15:5-6

Discussion questions:

  1.  Why do you think Paul’s prayer is for the believers to be in harmony with one another?
  2. What does harmony at Faith Church look like?
  3. When we understand all God has done for us, then we are able to be a harmonious church.  Why is that?
  4. Why does a church having harmony with one another bring glory to God?
  5. Rewrite Paul’s verse in your own words:  “May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Current Series

Celebration Weekend

We celebrate small steps and momentous milestones. This weekend we celebrate commitment and life change by covenanting with those being baptized, cheering on adults in this symbolic declaration of faith and stepping up to point the children to Jesus. We commit to walking alongside those professing their faith in Christ and reach out to those transferring into our family, creating space for them to find community and their place of service amongst us. This is the weekend we celebrate the visual reminder of how God is restoring and transforming the world one relationship at a time and lean into the known of the much more we are called to do. Celebrate with us!

Weekend Resources