Continue The Conversation



Continue the Conversation Questions
Gone Fishing | Scripture Reference: Scripture: Luke 5:27-32
Discuss the following questions with your Small Group:

  1. Who is your neighbor?  Do you know your neighbor(s)?
  2. Share a time when you engaged with someone who was far from the Lord?
  3. How is your home “a light” in your neighborhood?
  4. Would you still practice hospitality even if your neighbor said “no” to Jesus? Why or why or not?
  5. What are 2 ways you can take your faith into your work? Your neighborhood? Your leisure?
  6. What neighbors will you invite to join you for “Explore God” in January?
  7. Take time to pray for those whom you are currently reaching out with the love of Jesus and also others whom you like to reached.

Current Series

The Crown

Do you think you know what is best for your life? As humans we often have blind spots and biases, what we think we want in one moment can end up being not what we actually need. This leads to the question, Who do you give the crown of your life? 

Let’s take a look back to a time when the kingdom of Israel crowned its first king – and the lessons learned in how the people of God thought they knew what was best for them.

Weekend Resources