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Did Jesus say, “You’re good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like you”?


Series:  Did Jesus Say?

Topic: “You’re good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like you”

Scripture: Matthew 18:10-18

Questions for discussion:

  1. The earlier verses in this chapter (1-9) tell of Jesus’ answer to his disciples’ question, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” In Jesus’ typical “not so with you” way, His answer talks about those who are young in their faith. How do you think He was answering the question? What is our responsibility to those who are young in the faith? How do those responsibilities challenge our choices?
  2. This parable of the one lost sheep defines God’s love in many ways, one is a “a love for the individual.” Share about being pursued by God. What can that look like?
  3. Compare Jesus’ response to a broken relationship (verses 12-13) to the current “cancel culture.”
  4. The restoration process described in verses 15-17 can be challenging. Does this method of handling conflict come naturally to us? Have you ever experienced it and what was the long-term result?

Current Series

Celebration Weekend

We celebrate small steps and momentous milestones. This weekend we celebrate commitment and life change by covenanting with those being baptized, cheering on adults in this symbolic declaration of faith and stepping up to point the children to Jesus. We commit to walking alongside those professing their faith in Christ and reach out to those transferring into our family, creating space for them to find community and their place of service amongst us. This is the weekend we celebrate the visual reminder of how God is restoring and transforming the world one relationship at a time and lean into the known of the much more we are called to do. Celebrate with us!

Weekend Resources