Continue The Conversation

Does Life Have a Purpose?


Continue the Conversation Questions
Explore God| Scripture Reference:  Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
Discuss the following questions with your Small Group:

  1. Studies show that 85 percent of people are clear about the meaning and purpose of their life (64 percent strongly agree and 21 percent somewhat agree)? Do these numbers surprise you?  Why or why not?
  2. Have you ever thought, ““If I could just discover the right thing, a better job, financial blessing, the right person to love me, the right kids with the right accolades, then I’d feel satisfied.” In what things have you sought satisfaction? Did they satisfy?
  3. Can you share both a time when life seemed like a random series of events and a time when it seemed like there was an intentional plan unfolding?  Share.
  4. In what ways does your view of eternity affect your sense of meaning and purpose?  Share.
  5. If you believe we all have a purpose, what role does God play in that for you?
  6. Each of us has a unique story to “play” in the world, share your role?

Current Series

The Crown

Do you think you know what is best for your life? As humans we often have blind spots and biases, what we think we want in one moment can end up being not what we actually need. This leads to the question, Who do you give the crown of your life? 

Let’s take a look back to a time when the kingdom of Israel crowned its first king – and the lessons learned in how the people of God thought they knew what was best for them.

Weekend Resources