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Forgiveness & Fellowship


Series:  Forgiveness &

Topic: Forgiveness & Fellowship

Scripture:  John 17:20-26

Discussion Questions:


In this passage, Jesus is communicating with the Father. Who is He praying for? His call to unity has an end goal. What is it? And why is it important? (It may be helpful to read and talk about all of John 17 to get the bigger picture of Jesus praying for us.)


Is true fellowship possible without forgiveness? Ask God to show areas of unforgiveness you are carrying. Maybe it is from yesterday or from years ago.


As this passage calls us to unity, what steps do you need to take to restore unity in your world, your family, your church?

Thought for the week: “Every concrete act – every prayer prayed, every apology offered, every meal shared across dividing lines – is a sign that our history and habits of sin have been definitely interrupted by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.” L. Gregory Jones and Celestin Musekura



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