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Series:  HE GETS US

Topic: He gets our anxiety

Passage: Matthew 6:25-34


Anxiety seems to have increased in the past few years, but it has always been with us – or else Jesus wouldn’t have mentioned it. 

  • Several issues which people can worry about are mentioned in this passage. What are they?
  • How do they relate/correspond to our world in 2024?
  • How can we personalize these words from Matthew? 
  • Check out Philippians 4:4-13. How does this passage relate to our discussion of anxiety?
  • What about Psalm 23? 


  • We all experience anxiety at some point to some degree. What are some of the causes?
  • What are some of the consequences of anxiety?
  • Many of us find help with anxiety meds. They have a place, but they cannot be our only solution. How can Scripture help? What else have you found helpful?
  • How does this question relate, “who is the main character in my story – me or God?”


  • Jesus mentions how He provides for the birds and flowers, so why wouldn’t we believe He would care for us? I say I believe the Bible. But do my actions show I really believe these verses?
  • Talk about verse 27, “Can any of you add one moment to his life span by worrying?”
  • Can you think of a time when you were worried about something and did not seek God’s help?  Can you think of a time when you were worried about something and did seek God’s help?
  • How did those experiences help as you move forward?
  • Sometimes worry or anxiety sneak up on us. How can we establish a way to prompt ourselves to ask God for help?

“Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.” Charles Spurgeon

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Complicated Conversations

Truth in Genesis

What’s truth? We live in a society where people tend to define their own truths, using their own guidelines. Where values and beliefs are spun in such a way that makes us question if God’s way really is the best.

But does a Universal Truth exist? We believe there is and it’s been recorded in roughly 757,000 words. We invite you to join us as we open that source, God’s Word, and equip you to have complicated conversations with those who are defining their own truth.

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