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Series:  HE GETS US

Topic: He gets our guilt

Passage: John 3:16-18


  • Our first step is dealing with our sin (Romans 3:23) by admitting it and asking forgiveness from our Holy God.
  • Once we have admitted our guilt and unholiness and asked for His forgiveness, what do we do with our baggage – guilt and shame? Talk about the differences and connections between guilt and shame?
  • Read John 8:1-11 aloud in your group. Talk about how this passage addresses overcoming  guilt and shame. (This might be done best in smaller groups of 3 or 4.)


  • Why do you think it’s easier to be more critical of others than ourselves?
  • What happens when we fail to see our own issues?
  • What are some ramifications of lingering guilt?
  • Guilt can be paralyzing. Our worst days replay over and over in our minds. What is it like to be free of guilt and shame? 


  • Jesus offers you grace and a fresh start. What does the word “grace” mean to you? 
  • Jesus offers a different way to live, free of the guilt of our past. Do you understand this gift? If so, when did you realize it? How does that freedom change the way you live?
  • How does the sacrament of communion relate to our guilt?
  • Talk about the quote below. Note, it is NOT saying to make a future of your sin, but rather how God can use your life experiences. Talk about examples in your life or in the lives of others.

“The only way to get rid of your past is to make a future out of it. God will waste nothing.” Phillips Brooks (1835-1893)

Current Series

Complicated Conversations

Truth in Genesis

What’s truth? We live in a society where people tend to define their own truths, using their own guidelines. Where values and beliefs are spun in such a way that makes us question if God’s way really is the best.

But does a Universal Truth exist? We believe there is and it’s been recorded in roughly 757,000 words. We invite you to join us as we open that source, God’s Word, and equip you to have complicated conversations with those who are defining their own truth.

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