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The Space for Transformation


Series:  One Foot Raised

Scripture: I Thessalonians 5:12-28

Topic: The Space for Transformation

This is a big week. Depending on when your group meets, about one-half of our country will be/was pleased with the election results, and one-half will not be/were not. Billions of dollars were spent and people cast their vote for a person or a party. In the process, relationships have been damaged, some severely. This is a great reminder of the words in 5:17, “Pray without ceasing.”

As we look for Christ’s return, let’s step back from the news of today, and remember where we need to place our hope.

Here are some questions to discuss together:

SCRIPTURE – What does Paul say “to do” and “not to do” in verses 12-22? Paul is raising the bar pretty high, here. Is this kind of life even possible? How?

ACCOUNTABILITY –  If you find yourself in a place of judgement of others because they do not agree with you on issues, how are you going to resolve that? What steps will you take?

TRANSFORMATION – In verse 18, “giving thanks in all circumstances” can be challenging. What is keeping you from maintaining a spirit of gratefulness?

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – In these divisive days, how can you show the love of Jesus and be a peacemaker?

Current Series

Complicated Conversations

Truth in Genesis

What’s truth? We live in a society where people tend to define their own truths, using their own guidelines. Where values and beliefs are spun in such a way that makes us question if God’s way really is the best.

But does a Universal Truth exist? We believe there is and it’s been recorded in roughly 757,000 words. We invite you to join us as we open that source, God’s Word, and equip you to have complicated conversations with those who are defining their own truth.

Weekend Resources